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Junk Mail: Touch It Once

October 17, 2022

Save time and frustration by following the golden rule for managing paperwork

Unless you’re living completely off the grid, you’ve probably noticed a significant uptick in the mail – primarily of the political sort – arriving in your mailbox. It can be very easy to throw all of this unsolicited, unwanted mail in a pile somewhere in your home. The problem? Because this mail isn’t important, it’s easily put off as a “when I get to it” task. Before you know it, you’ve got a huge pile of mail that needs to be dealt with.

The solution? Touch it once.  

The “touch it once” rule has long been the golden rule of paperwork. When you pick up a piece of paper (in this case, mail), you should immediately handle whatever action is associated with it. This keeps you from shuffling through the same stack of paper over and over again which saves a tremendous amount of time.

If it’s a bill, pay it. If it’s an important document you need to hang on to, file it. If it’s junk mail, toss it. 

Some mail will need more than one touch, so we’re giving you permission to modify this rule. The caveat? Touch it more than once as long as you’re moving it forward. For anything that requires more time or attention, set aside time in the near future to manage it. Create a reminder on your phone if you need to. 


Use an ID shield stamp to protect sensitive information.

Protect Your Identity

Before all that junk mail goes straight into the recycling bin, we recommend you take one small extra, but important, step to protect your identity. Credit card applications with your information pre-printed on them are like gold for identity thieves. Shred all those unwanted applications, bills that could be paperless, or anything else with sensitive information immediately. 

We also recommend getting an ID shield stamp which obscures your identity for mail that isn’t getting shredded. 

For more ideas on how to cut down on the amount of mail getting delivered, check out this article from 20Something Finance.


Need Help?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly unscalable mountain of mail or other paperwork you have to sort through, Tina Curtis is your lifeline. Using proven organizational management techniques, she will work with you to determine what’s important to hang on to and what can go to the shredder. Together, you will create a plan that will help keep your paperwork organized. To schedule your complimentary consultation, click on the calendar icon on the upper right-hand side of your screen. 

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