Mar 23, 2018 | Business Organizing, Financial Organizing, Home Organizing, Personal Organizing
With spring rapidly approaching, it’s not only a great time to spruce up your home and organize your closets, but it’s also an ideal time to clean up your finances. Here are some ideas from some top consumer finance advisers: 1. Sweep Away Winter Bills Here’s a scary...
Mar 18, 2018 | Business Organizing, Financial Organizing, Personal Organizing
Uh-oh. The tax-filing deadline is fast approaching. Where did the time go? Taxes are due this year on April 18. You still have enough time to tackle your return without making mistakes or overlooking tax breaks. By spending around an hour a day on taxes for the next...
Feb 19, 2018 | Business Organizing, Financial Organizing, Personal Organizing, Simple Living
Life is messy. Don’t make it worse by living in an untidy home or working surrounded by stacks of paper. You might not realize it, but clutter can hurt productivity and make it harder to focus. Similarly, if you’re not keeping a schedule handy,...
Jan 26, 2018 | Business Organizing, Home Organizing, Personal Organizing
Some things are easier to let go of than others. The extra measuring cups, worn out sweaters and old sports equipment might not hurt your heart when it goes out the door. But then there are the things that pull on your heart strings. Things like old photographs, the...