Nov 21, 2022 | Home Organizing, Personal Organizing
You know it doesn’t go in the trash, so how do you dispose of it properly? We’ve handled more than a few decluttering jobs where the homeowner didn’t know how to get rid of stuff. The stuff you know doesn’t belong in the regular trash. But where does it go? How do you...
Nov 7, 2022 | Home Organizing, Life Transitions
The holidays are fast approaching, and many of us will be traveling back home. While this time of year is generally filled with merriment, family, and food (so much food), returning home to discover your parents or loved one has aged a little more than you remember...
Oct 14, 2022 | Home Organizing, Personal Organizing, Simple Living
Spending a day to organize your garage: everyone’s favorite chore, right? No? We get it; spending a day in a cluttered garage trying to make some headway on organizing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Summertime can be stifling hot in the garage, so it’s understandable...
Oct 10, 2022 | Home Organizing
Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in: How to Clean a Basement: 22 Must-Read Tips A basement can be a great extra space in a home – for storage, a playroom, a home gym, or more. However, it can quickly become musty and cluttered if you don’t...
Sep 15, 2022 | Business Organizing, Financial Organizing, Home Organizing, Personal Organizing
Let’s talk about what a professional organizer is and whey they do. A Professional Organizer assists individuals and businesses improve their organizing systems and process. Their primary goal is creating and maintaining organizational systems by teaching others the...
Sep 12, 2022 | Home Organizing, Personal Organizing
If you’re a procrastinator, starting on a decluttering project can quickly get derailed by a number of obstacles, such as “new show just dropped on Netflix,” “but it’s so nice outside,” or “squirrel.” If it’s a project you’re not excited about (or one that feels...