Jul 20, 2018 | Business Organizing, Home Organizing, Personal Organizing
Practice and self-control are key. We all know that it takes hard work to achieve our goals. And in the world of business and entrepreneurship, we often hear how we must be willing to sacrifice weeks, months, even years of slaving away to succeed. But what if we’re...
Jul 6, 2018 | Home Organizing, Personal Organizing, Simple Living
In a scholarly journal called “Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century: 32 Families Open Their Doors,” researchers from UCLA observed 32 middle-class, dual-income families from Los Angeles over a four-year period. Their findings were actually quite surprising. It’s...
Jun 15, 2018 | Business Organizing, Financial Organizing, Personal Organizing
1. This is my most radical suggestion: schedule a 24-hour period where you don’t do any work related activities. If you can, take off the whole weekend. You’ll find that this will make you even more productive. 2. When working on a project, do the most...
Jun 8, 2018 | Home Organizing, Personal Organizing, Simple Living
Ah, Schools out and you’ll all be spending more time in the family vehicle: Baseball games, Road Trips and all sorts of adventures. I have a list of 10 (ish) tips/tricks I thought you might enjoy, please feel free to share. Most items can be picked up at a...
May 27, 2018 | Business Organizing, Home Organizing, Personal Organizing
Set Your Work Hours Around Your Internal Clock Are you a night owl or an early bird? The beauty of working from home is that you can work during your best hours. Your boss may require you to be available during certain times, but hopefully they give you enough...
May 12, 2018 | Financial Organizing, Personal Organizing, Simple Living
A recent Bankrate survey found that most Americans don’t have enough saved to cover $1,000 for an emergency. What’s worse is nearly one in five said they would put the expense on a credit card. If that’s you, here are 5 things you can do to start saving more right...